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How to know you've been programming too long and you need a break

1. If, your workstation consists of a laptop, two desktops, a laser printer, color printer, scanner, three modems, and you use them all *simultaneously* because it makes things more 'efficient',  then you might need a break.

1 1/2. If you actually did this joke list, and then realized you wanted to insert something funnier at the top (between #'s 1 and 2), but are too lazy to 're-number' all the jokes, so instead insert it with '1 1/2', then you might need a break.

1 3/4. The joke we actually thought was funnier, but had to provide an explanation first (as seen above). If you have nothing to do on a Saturday night, and can't THINK of anything to do, so decide to check for e-mail, then say, post this joke list, then you might need a break.

2. You have forgotten how to speak, because you are so used to using e-mail, ICQ, and PMA's to communicate with other people, then you might need a break.

3. When you hear the spoof song 'Party like it's 1899', and it actually brings back fond memories of the last party you went to, then you might need a break.

4. When people are looking for you, all they have to do is sniff, because it's been a couple years since you last had a shower, then you might need a break.

5. If you have super strong, muscular, huge hands (from typing), but notice that the rest of your body needs working out, you might need to take a break.

6. If people use you as a search engine,  then you might need a break.

7. If you are asked what you want for Christmas, and you reply something like "Wow... A fully loaded, souped up . . . computer, with . . . ",  then you might need a break.

8. If the way you got your last girlfriend was through chatting online (yet you've never met her face to face, well, actually, you *will*, next week),  then you might need a break.

9. If, say you had an e-mail account, and you've ever got an automated message that said something like "Please check your e-mail less often. In the last 30 minutes, you have checked it over 50 times, and it is putting an undue load on the servers . . .",  then you might need a break.

10. If, before you actually *start* programming, you have to check
your hotmail account, yahoo account, aol account, company account,
read several news feeds,  then you might need a break.

11. If you are at work, and you have actually gotten to the bottom of this
list, =), then you might need a break.

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