You may want to print off these instructions. If so, go to the upper left hand corner of your browser, click on "File" with your mouse, "Print", and then when the print menu appears, click on "Okay"

To return to the main menu, click on the "Back" button in Netscape or Internet Explorer.

Client Page (Begin the Walkthrough Demo):

Customer Management:

Component Management:

Presentation Management:

Extra Information

All material, software and information (C) 1995-2002 Wyka-Warzecha Enterprises.

Client Page:

When you click on "Proceed to the demo", you will be presented with a menu that has five options. Choose the last option, which is the "Client Page". This is an example of what customers would see. (Some features have been disabled within this demo. For more information, please see the section "Extra Information").
Please note: On a slow modem connection (28K, 56K), it may take between 30 seconds and 1 minute to load in. Please be patient

Section I: Templates

"Templates" are promotions (computer furniture) that you can create and display to your customers when you want.

1. In the upper left hand corner, you will see a list of items in a box. Click on "Standard Configuration". A sample computer furniture configuration is created.

2. Move the mouse over the image that appears, and drag the mouse from left to right, or up and down. (Dragging is when you press the mouse button, hold on it and then move the mouse).

Double-clicking on the image will cycle between a "Solid" image, to a "Solid drawing with lines", to a "Line" drawing.

Section II:Custom Design:

Custom Design allows you to easily create custom configurations, and then you
can add extra items.

For example, a client can specify certain parameters (such as room dimensions, network requirements, and so forth) and a configuration will be created to best suit their needs. If they need to make extra changes, they can do so.

1. Click on the "Custom Design" button on the left hand side.
2. Click the mouse on the white box next to where it says "How many Servers?"
3. Type in a number (such as "2").
4. Click the mouse on the white box next to where it says "How many Consoles?"
5. Type in a number (such as "5").
6. Click on "Create Design"

A computer furniture configuration that best suits your needs is created! (In this sample, the logic is basic for demonstration purposes).

Section III: Modifying and/or Creating a furniture configuration.

1. Assuming you worked through Section II, double-click on the image until it is a solid image.

2. Click on the "Reset Zoom" button, and then the "Reset Rotation" button. (This makes it easier to make changes).

3. Click on "Move" (so that you can make changes).

4. Click on one of the monitors. Some yellow markers (meaning you have selected it) should appear.

5. Click on the "delete" key, and then the monitor will be removed.

6. To add an extra shelf, click on the "Add Components" button, then click on the "2015 Shelf".(Please note: Since this is a demo, the item is always placed in the center, so you may not immediately see the component unless you rotate the entire object, by clicking on 'rotate', and then rotating it.)

7. Drag the mouse (hold on the mouse button while moving it). Move left or right to place the mouse.

You have now modified and created a computer configuration!

Obtaining a Quote:

From any of those sections, press on the "Click here for a Quote!" section to
obtain a quote.

1. You will then be directed to a section where you can fill in some information.
2. To obtain a printable quote sheet, click on "here" to see your quote. To go back, click on the back button of your browser.
3. After filling in the information (you may fill the fields in with any information for this demo), click on the "submit" button to add your information to the customer database.

(Navigation notes: To navigate between menus, use the "back" and "forward" buttons in the top left hand corner of your browser. Once you have finished this section, press the "back" button to go back to the main menu.)

Customer Management:

To see all the entries that have been entered, (including the one you just entered), click on "Customer Management"

1. You may go back and forth between entries by clicking on the 'previous' and 'next' buttons, if there are more than five entries entered.

2. To see the detailed customer information, click on the "More" hyperlink for that corresponding customer.

3. You will then see that customer's choice in 3D, plus information, and the parts and credit card information.

4. To return to the main menu, click on the link at the bottom of the page.

Component Management:

To see all the entries that have been entered, click on "Component Management"

1. You may go back and forth between entries by clicking on the 'previous' and 'next' are more than five entries entered.

2. To see more detailed information, click on "Change Details"

3. To change any of the fields, (such as price or title), simply click on the respective and then click on "Save Changes" field, change it

4. To return to the main menu, click on the link at the bottom of the page.

Template Management:

To see all the entries that have been entered, click on "Template Management". This area is for creating promotions for customers, or custom configurations.

1. You may go back and forth between entries by clicking on the 'previous' and 'next' are more than five entries entered.

2. To see more detailed information, click on "More"

3. To modify the template, please follow steps as outline in the steps outlined for the customer section. Once finished, click on "Save Template".

4. You will then be directed to a new menu where you may change the name of the template, and choose whether or not it should be available to customers. (That means, when you visit the client page, it will show up as a pre-made configuration.)

Presentation Management:

This is a section where you can create 3D presentations for clients, with full multimedia capabilities such as music, sound effects, animation and so forth. For more information, or to arrange an online or live demo, please contact sales

Extra Information:

Other Notes:

1. You may find out the exact dimensions of what you have created by clicking on "Refresh" (However, this feature has been disabled for this demonstration).

2. Different methods may be used for moving furniture. (Cursor key support can be added (this is a demonstration, so is not enabled).

3. While in "move" mode, you may double click and all objects will be selected. Double clicking again will de-select everything. To delete the picture, when all items are selected press the "delete" key.


When you have created an item, click on the image, and then do the following:

1. Press "x" to rotate left to right, "X" (shift-x) to rotate in the opposite direction.
2. Press "y" to rotate up to down, "Y" (shift-y) to rotate in the opposite direction.
3. Press "z" to zoom in, "Z" (shift-z) to zoom out.
4. Press "s" to slow down the animation by half, press again to restore.
5. Move the image up/down/left/right by pressing the keys "i/m/j/k".

Notes about this demo:

Because this is a demo, the following has either been disabled or modified:

1. The Refresh/Dimension information has been disabled
2. The Preview button has been changed such that you must press it twice to obtain an image, plus it does not center nor enlarge in the preview screen.
3. The "selection" (selection of objects) is changed slightly.

Other Information:

Extra features can easily be added on to your existing information.

Such as a reporting component, which allows you create reports immediately on demographics, trends and so forth.

Another component is the presentation component, which allows you to create presentations over the internet or presentations for dealers, or at trade-shows.

This is a very brief tutorial, outlining some of the basic features of the 3D Configurator.

(C) 1995-2002 Wyka-Warzecha, All Rights Reserved.